Rain 67

Monthly mean rainfall for five location in mm obtained from Uganda met office on february 1999. The data covers the 1956 - 2000 period and is reported by decades (10 day periods). It includes 5 stations for which the location (town or research Station) and coordinates are given (except for a few years).

Publication Date
Vector Data
monthly , data , mean , climate , rainfall
Climatology Meteorology Atmosphere
processes and phenomena of the atmosphere. Examples: cloud cover, weather, climate, atmospheric conditions, climate change, precipitation
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Maintenance Frequency
Frequency Of Maintenance For The Data Is Not Known


Temporal Extent
Dec. 31, 1955, 3:15 p.m. - Dec. 30, 2000, 3 p.m.
Supplemental Information

No information provided

Spatial Representation Type
vector data is used to represent geographic data
Attribute Name Label Description Range Average Median Standard Deviation
D8 D8 None
Id Id None NA
Location Location None NA
Long Long None
Lat Lat None
Elevation Elevation None
D1 D1 None
D2 D2 None
D3 D3 None
D4 D4 None
D5 D5 None
D6 D6 None
D7 D7 None
D9 D9 None
D10 D10 None
D11 D11 None
D12 D12 None
D13 D13 None
D14 D14 None
D15 D15 None
D16 D16 None
D17 D17 None
D18 D18 None
D19 D19 None
D20 D20 None
D21 D21 None
D22 D22 None
D23 D23 None
D24 D24 None
D25 D25 None
D26 D26 None
D27 D27 None
D28 D28 None
D29 D29 None
D30 D30 None
D31 D31 None
D32 D32 None
D33 D33 None
D34 D34 None
D35 D35 None
D36 D36 None
Total_Rain Total_Rain None
Link Link None

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