Major determinants that characterize the dynamics of the agricultural systems...

This shapefile depicts the major determinants that characterize the dynamics of the agricultural systems in Benin. After a brief study ,on Marcocharacterization of agricultural systems in west Africa.Six major categories were identified .They include Potential Market-driven systems,Potential Population-driven systems,Population-driven intensification systems ,Market-driven intensification systems,Market-driven expansion systems and data no avialable. Within each path of the evolutionary process, a distintion is made between an expansion and an intensification phase. Systems driven by population forces alone increase food production by opening new land in the land expansion phase .In general , population-driven systems in the land intensification phase are characterized by a progressive decline in the productivity of both labor and land. As result ,fallow periods are long enough to control noxious weeds, insects, and diseases.Traditional food crops are predominantand the surplus generated fromfarming remains low.Credit is nonexistent as no collateral is available.For proper analysis , data were collected from literature reviews and interviews with key informants from national institutions. Only recent studies published within the five-year period before 1992 were considered from literature review.The source files (RIS files) were converted into shape files using IDRIS32.

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Farming , Systems
rearing of animals and/or cultivation of plants. Examples: agriculture, irrigation, aquaculture, plantations, herding, pests and diseases affecting crops and livestock
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Frequency Of Maintenance For The Data Is Not Known

The purpose of this research was to maximize the impact of available technologies in improving conditions for the resource-poor population in sub-Saharan ...

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Over time, the International Institute for Tropical Agriculture ( IITA) was confronted with the task of developing technologies for smallholder farmers .As a...

Spatial Representation Type
vector data is used to represent geographic data
Attribute Name Label Description Range Average Median Standard Deviation
Rec_Num Rec_Num None
Data_Value Data_Value None
Class Class None NA

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