Virunga Landscape - 1995 to 2013

Vegetation cover in the Virunga landscape (DRC) using the MSAVI2 vegetation index. MSAVI2 is a soil adjusted vegetation index that seeks to address some of the limitation of NDVI when applied to areas with a high degree of exposed soil surface. The problem with the original soil-adjusted vegetation index (SAVI) is that it required specifying the soil-brightness correction factor (L) through trial-and-error based on the amount of vegetation in the study area. Not only did this lead to the majority of people just using the default L value of 0.5, but it also created a circular logic problem of needing to know what the vegetation amount/cover was before you could apply SAVI which was supposed to give you information on how much vegetation there was. Qi et al. (1994a) developed the MSAVI, and later the MSAVI2 (Qi et al. 1994b) to more reliably and simply calculate a soil brightness correction factor.

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