
The Sikasso-Bobo Dioulasso-Tamale transect is entirely found within the Soudano-Guinean ecological zone spanning South East Mali, South West Burkina Faso and Northern Ghana. Within Mali, this landscape includes Segou and Koutiala to the North and Sikasso to the South; within Burkina Faso it includes Orodara, Banfora, Bobo-Dioulasso, Léo and Gaoua and within Ghana it includes Lawra, Wa, Koulmasa, Sawla, Damongo, Bolgatanga and Savelugu, and within Togo1 it includes Pangouda, Kande, Gando, Sagbibou, Mango, Katchamba, Alibi, Goubi, Koussountou, Sotouboua and Tchamba. The total surface area of this transect is approximately 300,000 km2 with a baseline of 300 km and a length of 1000 km.

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sentinel , crp6 , landscape , SL , land use
environmental resources, protection and conservation. Examples: environmental pollution, waste storage and treatment, environmental impact assessment, monitoring environmental risk, nature reserves, landscape
Burkina Faso
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Maintenance Frequency
Frequency Of Maintenance For The Data Is Not Known

sentinel landscape

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Spatial Representation Type
vector data is used to represent geographic data
Attribute Name Label Description Range Average Median Standard Deviation
Lcccode Lcccode NA
Gridcode Gridcode NA 60.53 30.00 51.52
Id Id NA
Area_M2 Area_M2 NA 21672826.96 372013.00 676445283.76

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